Sunday, November 2, 2008

~Tis the season....Deer season!

Now that D is back from SC it's time to go over some safety lessons, lessons in climbing a tree. This was during the day of course. I'd love to see Cody doing this in the dark at 3am while trying to be quite LOL So far he doesn't have a really good track record at sitting still, so hopefully he'll have it down pat this year and get a deer. I love how every time Cody hit the practice target he'd grin at his Dad as tho to say "aw shucks". And I love the utter concentration on his face, hanging on everything D was saying to him :-)


angie {the arthur clan} said...

The boys sure love this, don't they? Will is looking forward to going out with dad this year as well.

I personally don't get it...whatever floats their boat though I guess! :)

Lori said...

I don't get it either!!!

Kim Hardt Originals said...

My hubby will be living for our family camp the day after Thanksgiving. He stays for a week and it's just a guy thing. Personally I don't think I would want to hang out with a bunch of smelly men that snore all night long. But boy they can't seem to get enough. Happy hunting!

I found your blog searching the live feed on my blog.


jescandlon said...

Yes, Pat too is addicted to deer hunting. We finally came to a compromise-he can go once a week. Otherwise, he will try to go EVERY day! I'm sure Cody will do better than Pat's dad did. Pat took his dad deer hunting for the first time. They were in a tree house/hut. He said his dad couldn't sit still to save his life. Then he had to pee. In the process he managed to catch his hunting camo on fire (he insisted on bringing a small heater/fire thing into the treehouse). They had to smack out the fire. Finally, at the end, Pat saw some deer coming into the clearing. He very quietly whispered to his dad there were deer by the trees. His dad popped his head out the window and said "where?" as they all ran away. Pat has never taken his dad out since. He said Craig, the 4 year old, sits quieter.