Tuesday, January 27, 2009

~The frozen tundra

....otherwise known as ...... OHIO

I find winter in Ohio utterly beautiful, but with a few stipulations:

1) it must be sunny 2) NO snow on the road! (all these pics were taken on our road)

Today the sun honestly TRIED to come out, this picture was taken at 2 in the afternoon, not exactly "bright and sunny" is it? but by-golly the sun was making an attempt!

I have to admit I'd make a miserable amish woman- can you imagine hanging up that much laundry in the winter!?!? It goes all the way from the left side of the pic (the whitesare hard to see) to the roof of the barn. Normally I love to see the laundry flapping in the breeze, but in the winter, it makes me shiver just thinking about it.

These pics are from last summer ~ Just to remind myself why I live here!


Drew said...

I just want to know how in the world the clothes dry out in the freezing cold. Seems like you'd just have a shirt popsicle no matter how long it hung!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

I have wondered about the "hanging clothes out to dry in the middle of winter" issue for a long time. It makes absolutely no sense to me!

Thanks for showing those summer photos ~ you gave me hope.