Saturday, September 6, 2008


Oooh and Aaaaah.......I (finally) got a haircut & a stormdoor. :-) I'm still itching to paint the door red, but I don't know now that there is a stormdoor. whatcha think? Other than a lil length you probably can't tell I got a h/c because all the layers blend, why don't my grays blend in too? I also found a cute fall welcome sign for the front door and a hooked rug that I just fell in love with. I love hooked rugs and I guess Ozzy does too! Why is it the white cat likes to sit on the black rug and the black dog likes to sit on my white rug????? To drive me nuts?


jescandlon said...

I never realized cats shed until I had one. My cat was black and there was black fur everywhere! I feel for yah!

Drew said...

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one with gray hairs. Who am I kidding, I have white as snow hairs. It's so depressing. Great cut! I badly need to get a haircut. There just never seems to be any time. Maybe I should just visit the House of Lori. Is she still in business? :)

Alisha said...

ahh my pretty Lori:) I miss you so much and seeing new pics of you is like a kick in the gut:( you look beautiful!!! and i think the red door with the storm thing will be just dandy!!!